If you work in the sector of private nursing, homecare or even in mental health then you may be sad to know that 52% of care jobs are now vacant. There are social workers who…
People’s Safety is now at Risk from Lack of Social Care
Date: Aug 2022
A poll has been done in July across 243 NHS leaders. The poll has found that 99% of them are seeing some kind of social care crisis and that this is happening within their local…
CERA have Raised £260m so Care can be Expanded
Date: Aug 2022
The homecare company have said that they are now going to be expanding their private nursing, bespoke care packages, mental health packages and support for social workers. They are also going to be using Smart…
The government have gone and announced a lot of new training opportunities for those who work in social care. A charity has warned that the sector could risk losing a lot of their dedicated staff…
The Health Secretary Has Said that Civil Servants have to Sprint to Hire Overseas Staff
Date: Aug 2022
Steve Barclay has said that he is going to order civil servants to see if it is possible to rocket the number of staff who are being recruited by the NHS. If you work in…
The CWC, or Care Workers’ Charity have updated their supporter membership program and this is designed to help those who may need some financial support to help them with their wellbeing. This will help those…
A nurse who works in homecare and in private nursing has come out to say that he has started her very own homecare business after he saw seen a lot of relatives struggle to get…
The drones are going to be making their first couple of flights in the next few weeks and they are going to be picking up and then dropping off the treatment to any patients who…
A Homecare Worker has Told MPS that they are Not Unskilled
Date: Jul 2022
A care worker has gone to tell MPS and the House of Commons that now is the time for them to move past the idea that those who work in homecare or even in private…
The government have stated that they intend to burn around 4 billion dollars’ worth of PPE so that they can generate power. This is a move that has been largely criticised by the spending watchdog…
50+ of Homecare Workers are Leaving for Better-Paid Jobs
Date: Jun 2022
It would seem that those who work in homecare or even in private nursing are now leaving their jobs, in hope that they can find better-paid jobs elsewhere. If you offer bespoke care packages or…
A New Campaign is Set to Combat the Effects of Ageism
Date: Jun 2022
A brand-new public campaign has been launched to try and tackle the everyday impact that ageism is having on the community. They are also trying to combat some of the harmful stereotypes that affect everyone…